The demonstration of a welder’s ability to produce welds meeting prescribed standards. Welder, welding operator, and tack welder qualification tests determine the ability of the persons tested to produce acceptably sound welds with the process, materials, and procedure called for in the tests. Qualification tests are not intended to be used as a guide for welding during actual construction, but rather to assess whether an individual has a required minimum level of skill to produce sound welds. The tests cannot foretell how an individual will perform on a particular production weld. For this reason, complete reliance should not be placed on qualification testing of welders. The quality of production welds should be determined during and following completion of actual welding.
Various codes, specifications, and governing rules generally prescribe similar, though frequently somewhat different, methods for qualifying welders, welding operators, and tack welders. The applicable code or specification should be consulted for specific details and requirements. See QUALIFICATION AND TESTING.