The latest edition of the ANSVAWS Dl.l Structural Welding Code-Steel should be used to design, fabricate, inspect, and repair welded steel structures.
The building codes of most cities include a definite standard covering structural welding. Most of these standards have been specified from the ANSVAWS D1.l Structural Welding Code -Steel. The first AWS Code of this type was published in 1928.
In 1988 the first edition of the Bridge Welding Code, ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D 1.5 was published, covering fabrication of steel highway bridges by welding.
The ANSVAWS D1.l Structural Welding Code does not include such design considerations as arrangement of parts, loading, and computation of stresses for proportioning the load-carrying members of a structure. It is assumed that such considerations are covered elsewhere in a general code or specification, such as the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel Buildings, or other specifications prescribed by local building codes and by the owner. See 2.